This winter, six Vermont ski resorts (and more to come) are offering something really special on their menus: a hearty Farmhouse Chowder, featuring products locally grown by Vermont farmers.
Read MoreSki Resorts Offer Delicious Vermont Farmhouse Chowder
Sarah Tuff Dunn said: “Burlington has it all… a brick pedestrian marketplace, Vermont's iconic white steeples and rolling hills that spill down toward a lively, green waterfront on Lake Champlain” when she explained Burlington’s selection as one of the 20 Prettiest Cities in America, by Forbes Traveler.
Read MoreBurlington – Prettiest Town and Great Food
As we celebrate the 400th anniversary of the founding of Quebec city and of the discovery of Lake Champlain by Samuel de Champlain, a lot is being written and discussed on this subject: conferences, movies and documentaries, books…
Read MoreCelebrating Champlain
The idea of pairing beer with food is perhaps the oldest preoccupation of mankind, but only in Vermont has the art reached its zenith. So if you’re hungry and want some of the best craft beers...
Read MoreBrewpubs of Vermont
This mid-1780s tavern seems the perfect place for it, with its nice white porch wrapped around the red brick building; and the view on Lake Champlain and the bridge to New York state is superb.
Read MoreSunset on Historic Chimney Point
We've just come across this section of the Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce website which has some suggestions for bike tours, and we thought we'll share it with you because we believe they did a very nice job with it.
Read More9 Back Road Bike Tours
You can hike or have a pleasant walk if you are not eager to tackle the 400 feet of descent and re-ascent to the shore of the lake.
Read MoreDay Hike: Mount Independence
We attended the Vermont Mozart Festival’s Wednesday (July 16) event, Grand Isle Jazz with the Helen Sung trio. What a fabulous location right on a point into the lake, with water on three sides, and such a majestic historic building – the Lakehouse - on the site.
Read MoreGrande Isle Magic… and Jazz
This weekend, July 19 – 20, is the Mount Independence Encampment and Re-Enactment "Soldiers Atop the Mount". If you haven’t been to one of these before, don’t miss it.
Read MoreMount Independence – Reenactment