Last weekend – June 14-15 – Vermont Days were our excuse to drive around.
Read MoreOur Favorite Vermont State Historic Sites!
Route 17 is not frequently listed among “scenic drives” but it definitely has a stunning view from the top of the Green Mountains at the Appalachian Gap (great during the foliage season) and lots of sweeping views of the Lake Champlain Valley.
Read MoreVermont Scenic Drives: Route 17
Two award-winning restaurants in Waterbury! Or rather two award-winning Chefs I should say - to be more accurate.
Read MoreWaterbury Award-winning Restaurants
As you travel south from Montpelier, on route 14, don’t miss the historic floating bridge in Brookfield on route 65.
Read MoreBrookfield: its Unique Floating Bridge
A very special moment of Chinese tradition! Maybe it did not mean much to my fellow travelers, but for me, it was one of the most exciting moments on my time in China…
Read MoreThe Palanquin of a Chinese Bride
Some photos from our expedition to Layang Layang, part of the Spratly Islands, in the middle of the South China Sea.
Read MorePhotos from Layang Layang, Spratly Islands
Here in Layang, Layang, Spratly this week, we truly feel like the odd couple. Everyone here is a diver. One American even asked us - very surprised - "How is it possible?! You are here in one of the top diving spots in the world and you don't realize it?!".
Read MoreEncounter With a Shark!
What I am sharing here is how we felt last week when trying to get news about Tibet from “inside China”… You had to be there to realize how the “picture” of what was happening could be incredibly distorted!
Read MoreChina Media Coverage of the Tibet Situation
After an overnight in KK, we flew to Layang, Layang, a Malaysian Spratly island yesterday morning.
Read MoreLayang Layang: One island, One resort