A passion that started 4 years ago. In a sea buckthorn field in the Eastern Townships.
Read MoreBoreal Flavors and Quebec-Style Hygge
There is a whole community of artists practicing the style of art called Urban Sketching across the world. So much so that an artist's material company, Etchr Studio, seems to target this clientele!
Read MoreLearning Ink & Watercolor – Urban Sketching
I just discovered Etchr Studio's "demo" videos. These are 40 to 60-minute demonstrations from really talented artists. The notes list the material and colors used, which is really helpful.
Here are the ones I particularly liked.
Read MoreLearning Ink & Watercolor – Etchr Studio
Here is a great video that makes me feel like hiking this trail in Newfoundland! One day, maybe.
Read MoreThe East Coast Trail, Newfoundland
If you want to discover Northern and Boreal cuisine, a gourmet getaway in Quebec will delight you.
Read MoreA Gourmet Getaway in Quebec City (A Foodie Tour)
What a delight it was to experience 3 days of delicious culinary discoveries all in crescendo, in Oslo!
Read MoreA Gourmet Getaway in Oslo (A Foodie Tour)
If you are a Netflix subscriber, you MUST watch this documentary "Under the Arctic Sky" (40 min)! You don’t have to love surfing to simply love it! This group of crazy surfers is traveling the world to find the best waves to surf. So here they are, in Iceland, in the middle of winter!
Read MoreSurfing in Iceland – “Under an Arctic Sky”
If you haven’t heard of Christine Ferber, just google her name and you’ll quickly realize that she is a queen… the “French queen of jam making.”
Read MoreThe Day I Met Christine Ferber, the “Jam Fairy”
Clearly, Brittany is known for its salted butter, but the inclusion of coarse salt crystals brings a delightful crunchiness to regular salted butter.
Read MoreButter with Sea Salt Crystals